2022, a Year in Review

So far, the 2020s are gaining a reputation for being difficult. Heck, even the memes have starting latching onto this, where kids in the future will spend months trying to even understand the year 2020, never mind when the aliens invaded in 2025…

…I really hope that doesn’t end up becoming prophesizing.

Anyhoo, 2022 wasn’t quite as awful as its older siblings, though we still had some rough rides throughout the year as we tried to manage the ever-increasing flow of utter chaos, lunacy/stupidity, and constant change, notably:

I’m sure 2023 won’t reverse any of those trends, but maybe I’ll be surprised.

On with the review!

As crazy as all the other things that went on in 2022, I have to say that I had a good year. I hope 2023 is up for the challenge…

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