2021, a Year in Review

2020 was a rough year as we all learned how to deal with a pandemic, and a world full of people who couldn’t give a shit about anyone but themselves. But 2021 would tell us that time doesn’t fix stupid and the problems we saw start in 2020 only got worse in 2021. And I spent altogether too much time in the basement.

But on a brighter side, I started my return to blogging.

As you can see, a quiet year. This is a result of trying to do our best to remain physically distant from everyone else. We mastered video conferencing. We watched a lot streaming video content. I ate way too much bread. And I lost a lot of hope in humanity as I saw the worst come out in ways I couldn’t have imagined, not just in people’s disregard for others, but the blatant and rampant ignorance that has in many ways spread even worse than the COVID19 virus and its variants.

And then Betty White died. Eat a bag of dicks, 2021.

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