Calgary, throw Jim Prentice out of office!

Dear Calgary, my former home, I have a reminder and a request for you.

First, please remember that Jim Prentice, one of several MPs up for re-election in Calgary, will be running again in the October election.

Second, remember that Mr. Prentice is wholly responsible for Bill C-61 — that vile pile of ass-kissing lobbyist-driven legislation that will destroy any sense of fair use of media we’ve purchased. Might not affect you yet, but if you thought the RIAA trials south of the border were nonsense…

This is a man who clearly does not understand technology, the people of Canada, or even his portfolio. This is not a man who should be responsible for the Industry portfolio, who does not represent his constituents, and should not be allowed to make more mistakes.

Please do not vote for Jim Prentice. Please.