There's nothing quite like a good ego boost

Over the last couple of years, I’ve been approached by a number of organisations looking for “talent”. (I use the term loosely, mostly because I don’t really see myself as “talented”. I like to keep that word for the artistically-minded. I prefer “skilled”, since it’s something I’ve learned, and something anyone else following in my steps can learn. But I digress.)

It doesn’t really matter how they found me, only that they approached me. Hey, I’m talking my ego here — believe me, it needs all the help it can get. Working at an agency with extremely skilled and talented people on demanding accounts will often leave you wondering: Am I really any good at my job?

Then opportunity knocks. It’s really quite validating.

Over the last year or so, I’ve been approached by a number of companies, local and international, regarding some fairly high-level positions. Among them:

And most recently, this morning as a matter of fact, Yahoo! That’s also a very cool one, since I admire what Yahoo! does. It also doesn’t hurt that I know three people who currently work there (Jude, Scott, and Jim), and a couple who used to work there (Scott and Dr. Yes).

If you at least feel wanted, then you don’t feel rejected. And that’s a good thing in my books.

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