All packed up with somewhere to go

Well, so much for an easy day. I suppose I was asking for that, eh?

We left the hotel a little later than planned, and the movers (three guys in their 20s) and the two cleaners were already at our front door engaged in deep chat when we got to the house. After a few quick introductions (I have since forgotten all of their names) we proceeded to all lay siege to the house.

The movers moved. The cleaners cleaned. The owners … um … well, mostly ran around stupidly trying to finish things without getting in everyone’s way.

We had a fridge to clean out (we were rather ruthless with things to pass to others, and pitched what we didn’t need/want), and recycling to handle. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but it was more than I had expected. There was more than enough chaos that it didn’t get handled easily.

The movers were done barely an hour later. We met them at the storage locker at 11:00, where they proved that the previous movers (who had helped clean some of the initial items from the house so Alex could actually move around) were idiots who couldn’t pack a lunch bag, and the estimators really had no depth perception. I had the Tetris theme in my head most of the day.

At one point, Alex called to tell me that she couldn’t find the passports — hers or Mi Niñita’s. I assumed it was in the hotel room. Little did I know that would come to bite us later on. That evening, we were back at the tightly packed locker, pulling everything out searching for the missing passports. Not fun. But thanks largely to Uncle Mike and cousin-in-law Sean, we found them deep in a box, saving the day.

It’s late. I’m tired. It’s been a long day. Tomorrow, we’re off to Toronto to visit family for a few days before going to Costa Rica.

‘Night all!

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