It’s officially less than a month until the wee one arrives. That’s assuming, of course, that El Bebe arrives on the due date (29 August, updated from the doctor). The odds are about 6% that it’ll happen.
We’re already bribing the kid to come early to lessen Alex’s discomfort.
The shock, as it were, really hit last Thursday during our first prenatal class. It’s a 10-class course, and the instructor said that we’d start seeing babies starting around the fifth class. And probably earlier.
Our due date is near the front of the line. Which means we could be the first. And technically, that could be in about two weeks. Fourteen days.
It’s a weird feeling that this date is coming very soon. Nine months ago, it seemed like it would never happen. You can never see that far away. But as the movements in Alex’s belly continually remind us, this is real, this is happening, and the end of the line is just around the bend.
It’s almost time for me to be a father. I just hope I’m ready for it.
Scared yet? You should be… 😉