Askimet - The best WordPress plugin ever!

How much do I have to give praise to Askimet? This little plugin has allowed me to go back to using WordPress without the fear of my database being choked up with a million spam comments.

Back when I was using WordPress about two years ago, Akimet didn’t exist, and even though I locked down the comments, even removed the comment code from the system, those spamming bastards kept hitting away, filling up my precious disk space with garbage.

So I went back to a manually-edited system. You can see the gaps in my archives as a result.

Imagine my intense delight when, in the process of setting up WordPress 2, that I found Askimet. I was a little skeptical — free spam blocker that actually works? Been there, done that, suffered the consquences.

Still, even a little blockage would be nice.

Damn. I’ve only been back up on WordPress since the beginning of the year. So far, it’s already blocked 1,523 spam comments — over 500 of those in the last two days, I should add.

Most of them have been for “generic viagra” or some other drug that I don’t know the name of nor care to learn. Every one has been caught and dealt with. I suspect I might have had one or two legit ones hit, but no bad ones have snuck through. Nor has it caught any legit ones (that I’ve seen, anyway) that I had to mark as “not spam”.

Thank you, Askimet! You guys rock!